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careers and jobs   for passionate people like us

We are hiring design and development staff for the positions shown below. If you don't see an open position that interests you, please email us directly and tell us know how you would like to make a difference at We can always find room for a talented and goal orientated individual

PHP Developer II:

PHP Developer II positions require extensive development experience with the LAMP stack and proficiency in Ajax, jQuery & CSS / HTML && C/C++ or C# and *NIX. This job is open to local developers in Arizona only. Benefits include a sweet office, covered parking, fitness center, indoor basketball, sauna and yes even a pool! This job is located in Scottsdale, AZ.
(apply today - now hiring)

Project Manager Mobile, Apps, Games:

Design and management of our exclusive match games. UI design and reskins requires strong CSS3 and HTML experience or exceptional PSD and AI design skills. Now hiring in Scottsdale, AZ.
(apply today - now hiring)

Design and Media Intern:

Work on various projects including UI design, game design, social media, online ads, marketing, and PR. Must be knowledgeable in social media and proficient with PSD and AI. Part time, flexible hours perfect for recent graduate or ASU student employment.
(apply today - position is open)

Get a Job Today!

Apply Online - Email Your Resume Here
Internships - Summer/Fall 2012
Suggestions? - Tell Us What You Think

Employment Verification

Hiring managers can verify current or former employment using this Employment Verification Link. NOTE: You must make your request from your business email address in order to receive a reply. We are happy to help hiring managers verify dates of employment, job proficiency and candidate skill level.